TW Controls - Allen Bradley Micro850 PLC Trainer with Analog, AC Drive, Motor, HMI
TW Controls - Allen Bradley Micro850 PLC Trainer with Analog, AC Drive, Motor, HMI
PLC training consisting of an Allen Bradley Micro850 PLC, Powerflex 525 AC drive, and Panelview 800 HMI.
This will get you started on your PLC programming career path. Designed for both schools and individuals who wish to learn more than the basic trainers and instruction manuals can teach.
The Micro850 PLC includes 14 discrete 24VDC inputs, 10 discrete 24VDC outputs, 2 4-20mA analog inputs, and 2 4-20mA analog outputs. It uses the free Allen Bradley Connected Components Workbench software.
The HMI is an Allen Bradley Panelview 800 and uses these HMI lessons.
The Powerflex 525 AC drive is wired to the 3 phase fan and communicates with the PLC over Ethernet.
The trainer requires 120VAC and plugs into your typical wall outlet.
In addition to learning PLC programming and troubleshooting, these lessons will teach you how to wire and diagnose control systems. This curriculum will help you gain valuable insight into how industrial control panels are wired and operate. All circuits in these self paced lessons are 24VDC.
These trainers are built to order and typically take 1-2 Weeks to ship depending on availability of parts.